
Sweet Pea Crochet, Sweet Etsy Shops & Sweet Nothings in your ear.....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Good Morning all! Another cold, snowy day here in CT. Perfect pancake kind of morning. I have two sons, ages 10 and 8, and my daughter is 4. They keep me busy, especially in the morning! My daughter absolutely loves waving goodbye to the boys as they leave for school - and today, she demanded that she gives her brothers a 'sweet kiss' before they leave. lol. A 'sweet kiss' is when she blows a kiss after drinking cocoa.....and she does this little twirl. Of course, I got a kick out of it....I love the things she comes up with. We've been going through an "everything ends with a twirl phase" lately. Grocery store, post office, video store, - no matter where we are...everything we do she insists that we 'twirl' at the end. lol. I myself have yet to 'twirl' after bagging my groceries...but what if we all started twirling? It just might put you in a much happier mood. Yes, the looks you would get would be a little off putting, but a twirl may just be what everyone needs in their day.
Keeping on the lighter side today, I would love if you would 'twirl' over to this marvelous little shop called Kiss the Frog. Yes, it's called Kiss the Frog. Such a wonderful name, in my opinion....reminiscent of princesses, castles, and enchanting little things.

In this shop, you'll find the most wonderful prints of original paintings, cards, paper mache boxes, pins, sachets, accessories, and clothes....such a great variety!

Here's a few of my favorites! ~

I must order some prints for my daughter's room, and the Love Tree Sachets look wonderful!
All the items are made by the artist in Greece. Original drawings, prints, hand painted clothes and unique accessories make this shop such a lovely place to visit. I truly had a wonderful time looking through all the items here. I absolutely love the shop's banner - so whimsical!
The artist also has a blog where you can learn more about Kiss the Frog. Here's the link
http://www.kissthefrogboutique.typepad.com/. I must warn you, their blog is wonderful! So much to see!
Please visit Kiss the Frog today ~ and don't forget to do a little *~TwIrL~* when you're done. lol.
Have a great day!
Stay warm!

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